
We are working a couple of hours each week now, and feel like we are making headway on this last panel of The Feeding of the 5000. About 4-6 people work each week,… Continue reading

6 Workers, 6 Figures

We worked on Panel 6 for a couple of hours this afternoon and each of us took a figure on the panel to work on. We are still outlining, but we are also… Continue reading


Looks like some mosaic divas to me! Outlining all the figures in black, like we did in the other panels. The black outlines mostly fade into shadow at a distance, creating dimension and… Continue reading


For two days this past weekend, we worked on Panel 6, the one in which there are conversational groups of people eating their tuna sandwiches (the loaves and fishes part of the story).… Continue reading

Setting the Stage

We had too much fun in the mosaic room today doing three unglamorous jobs: Sorting and organizing tesserae.* Selecting and creating tesserae specifically for Panel 6. Continuing to draw Panel 6. “Nancy, why… Continue reading

Revving UP!

Panels 1-4 back in 2015, or so Time to get this sixth, and final, panel finished! Because the work seems so dependent on me, the artist and coordinator, not much happens if I’m not happening. Work… Continue reading

We Need Gorillas!

We are going to need a couple of gorillas, or at least, individuals with gorilla hands to lift and hang this mural in about another month. We are very close to completing panel… Continue reading

Characters Come to Life

What we did on our summer vacation.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

See a mosaic marathon in action. Get a clue about what all these people are really doing in that little room!

Heads and Tails

This weekend’s mosaic work…